
A Heavenly Blueberry and Bacon Breakfast Casserole Made With Croissants

croissant casserole with blueberries and bacon
Prep Time
10 min
Cook Time
50 min
6-8 servings

Blueberry pancakes with maple syrup and a healthy serving of bacon on the side has to be one of the most celebrated breakfasts of all time. When you find yourself with stale croissants, do yourself a favour before tossing them: make this super simple (and reliably delicious!) casserole dish that’s a riff on the quintessential breakfast. With maple syrup, wild blueberries and bacon, it ticks all the boxes of our favourite Canadian ingredients… and the buttery croissant base takes it to the next level. Your weekend brunch game just got a whole lot sweeter.



mise en place for croissant casserole
Step 1

Heat oven to 350°F. Butter a 2L casserole dish; set aside.

Step 2

Whisk together the eggs, egg yolks, milk, cream, ⅓ cup maple syrup, vanilla and ¼ tsp salt in a large bowl.

Step 3

Add the croissant bread and bacon, and toss to combine.

preparation for croissant casserole
Step 4

Toss 1 cup blueberries with flour in a small bowl. Add it to the croissant mixture, tossing gently to combine.

Step 5

Spoon into prepared casserole dish and bake until golden and set, about 45 to 50 minutes.

Blueberry and Bacon Breakfast Casserole Made With Croissants

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