
Goat Cheesecake with Port Cherry Sauce

Food Network Canada
12 servings

Yields 8 – 12 servings.



For the Praline Crust

oz white chocolate, roughly chopped
oz hazelnut paste (available at specialty bakery supply stores)
oz feuillantine (available at specialty bakery supply stores)
oz cornflakes
butter for greasing
sugar for dusting

For the Goat Cheese Filing

oz fresh goat cheese, softened at room temperature
1 8
oz cream cheese, softened, at room temperature (do not use whipped variety)
cup granulated sugar
cup heavy cream
(large) eggs

For the Port Sherry Sauce

cup dried cherries
cup cherry juice
cup rube port
tsp cornstarch
Tbsp cold water


Step 1

In a double boiler over simmering water, melt chocolate and praline paste together. Stir in the cereal and mix well to combine. Spread the chocolate and praline mixture onto a parchment-lined baking sheet. Place another sheet of parchment on top of the mixture and roll with a rolling pin until 1/8-inch thick. (For a large cheesecake, roll the crust in a rough circle at least 8 inches across.) Transfer the crust to the freezer and chill for half an hour.

Step 2

Remove crust from the freezer and carefully remove the top parchment from the chocolate. Using a round metal cutter, cut the crust to fit 8 to 12 individual ramekins. Heat the cutter and make sure it is dry. (For a large cheesecake, use the ring of an 8-inch springform pan as your guide and cut with a hot, dry knife.) Set crusts aside.

Step 3

Preheat oven to 250 degrees Fahrenheit. With an electric mixer beat the goat cheese, cream cheese and sugar until smooth. Stir in cream just to incorporate. Scrape down the bowl as you stir to incorporate all the cheese and prevent lumps.

Step 4

In a separate bowl, lightly beat the eggs. Gradually mix half the beaten eggs into the cheese mixture until combined. Scrape down the bowl and add the remaining eggs. Butter and sugar the sides of the ramekins or springform pan. Seal the outside of the springform pan with foil to prevent any water from getting in. Pour in filling. Place ramekins or pan in a shallow pan with water halfway up the sides. Bake in water bath for 25 minutes
(45 minutes for a large cheesecake).

Step 5

Remove and let cool at room temperature. To prevent the large cheesecake from cracking, invert a bowl over the pan as the cake cools. When cool, cover with plastic wrap and refrigerate.

Step 6

In a small pot, combine cherries, cherry juice and port. Bring to a boil. Remove from heat and allow to cool. Dissolve the cornstarch in the cold water. Whisk the cornstarch mixture into the cherry liquid. Return to a boil, reduce heat, and simmer until sauce thickens—about 2 minutes. Remove from the heat and allow to cool.

Step 7

Place praline crusts on plates. Unmold cheesecake onto crusts. For a large cheesecake, cut wedges of the crust with a hot, dry knife. Place wedges of cheesecake on top. Arrange a few cherries on top of the cheesecake and spoon sauce and more cherries around.

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