
Grilled Pineapple with Crystallized Ginger, Coconut Emulsion and Coconut Sorbet

Grilled Pineapple with Crystallized Ginger, Coconut Emulsion and Coconut Sorbet
Cook Time
10 min
4 servings

In summertime, I like to grill fresh fruits and melons, especially over hickory and cedar chips. Once the fruit is grilled, you can use it immediately or you can chill it for the ultimate summer refreshment. I use coconut along with the pineapple in this dessert, but the portion is not excessive. A little indulgence, like the coconut here, is always acceptable.



For the Coconut Sorbet

Water and meat from 1 young Thai coconut

For the Pineapple

slices (½" thick), cored
Seeds from ½ vanilla bean

For the Coconut Emulsion

cup coconut milk

For Assembly

Tbsp julienned crystallized ginger
Tbsp ground fresh coconut, toasted


Step 1

Combine the coconut water, meat, and Sucanat in a high-speed blender and process until smooth. Pass the purée through a fine-mesh sieve and freeze in an ice-cream maker. Store in a tightly sealed container in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.

Step 2

Rub the pineapple with the vanilla bean seeds. Place
over a medium-hot fire and grill, turning once, for 4 to 5 minutes on each side,
or until the pineapple begins to caramelize. Remove the pineapple from the grill
and cut into 2-inch lengths, reserving any juices that accumulate for garnish.

Step 3

Place the coconut milk in a small saucepan and warm gently over medium-low heat just until warm. Remove from the heat and froth the warm coconut milk with a handheld blender just before using.

Step 4

Arrange some of the pineapple pieces and crystallized ginger in each shallow bowl. Drizzle any reserved juices over the pineapple. Place a small amount of the toasted
coconut on the pineapple, and set a large quenelle of the Coconut Sorbet on the
toasted coconut. Spoon the Coconut Emulsion around the pineapple, and sprinkle
the plate with more toasted coconut.

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