
Orange Sorbet

Orange Sorbet
Cook Time
5 min
6 servings

This dessert is simple to create with everyday ingredients.



1 ½
cup granulated sugar
cup water
cup lemon, juice


Step 1

Wash and dry oranges.

Step 2

Grate rind from 3 of the oranges; set aside.

Step 3

Cut all oranges in half.

Step 4

Using juicer and keeping ungrated skins as intact as possible, squeeze enough juice to make 1 1/2 cups (375 mL); set juice and shells aside.

Step 5

In saucepan, stir together sugar, water and reserved rind until sugar is dissolved.

Step 6

Bring to boil; boil for 5 minutes.

Step 7

Stir in lemon juice and reserved orange juice; strain through sieve into bowl.

Step 8

Pour into shallow metal pan; freeze for 3 to 4 hours or until almost firm.

Step 9

Break up into chunks; transfer to food processor and purée until smooth.

Step 10

Transfer to airtight container; freeze for 1 hour or until firm. (Alternatively, freeze in ice-cream maker according to manufacturer’s instructions.)

Step 11

Meanwhile, scrape out pulp from 6 orange half shells.

Step 12

Freeze shells on baking sheet until firm, about 1 hour. (Make ahead: Cover with plastic wrap. Freeze shells and sorbet for up to 1 week)

Step 13

To serve, let sorbet soften in refrigerator for 30 minutes.

Step 14

Scoop neatly into frozen orange shells.

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