
Potato Gnocchi

Potato Gnocchi
Cook Time
40 min
4 servings

Little herbed potato dumplings make a delicious change from the usual



Potato Gnocchi

Yukon Gold potato, unpeeled
egg, yolk
Tbsp salt
2 ⅓
cup all purpose flour

Sage And Butter Sauce

fresh sage, leaves
cup butter
tsp pepper
cup grated parmesan cheese


Step 1

In large saucepan of boiling water, cover and cook potatoes for about 30 minutes or until tender.

Step 2

Drain and let cool for about 10 minutes or until easy to handle.

Step 3

Peel and place in large bowl. Refrigerate until cold, about 30 minutes.

Step 4

Through medium disc of food mill or ricer, press potatoes into bowl to make 8 cups (2 L) unpacked.

Step 5

Mix in egg yolk and 1 teaspoon (5 mL) of the salt.

Step 6

With wooden spoon, stir in 2 cups (500 mL) of the flour.

Step 7

Turn out onto work surface. Knead to form soft, slightly sticky spongy dough. Divide into 8 pieces.

Step 8

Roll each piece into 20-inch (50 cm) rope about 3/4-inch (2 cm) thick.

Step 9

Cut rope into
1/2-inch (1 cm) lengths to make about 30 pieces.

Step 10

On surface, toss with 1/4 cup (50 mL) more flour. Repeat with remaining dough.

Step 11

Dip fork into flour.

Step 12

Hold fork with tines facing down and with finger tips of the other hand, lightly roll each piece down tines of fork, to create ridges.

Step 13

Dust baking sheet with flour. Place gnocchi on sheet. Continue with remaining dough. (Make ahead: Freeze for about 2 hours or until firm. Using metal spatula, scrape into freezer bags and freeze for up to 2 weeks.)

Step 14

Bring large pot of water to boil; add remaining salt.

Step 15

Cook half of the gnocchi, stirring gently, for about 3 minutes or until tender and gnocchi float up to top. Remove with slotted spoon to warmed bowl. Repeat with remaining gnocchi.

Step 16

Meanwhile, chop 4 of the sage leaves.

Step 17

In large skillet, heat butter over medium heat; cook chopped and whole sage leaves and pepper for 1 minute or until fragrant.

Step 18

Pour sauce over gnocchi; toss to coat.

Step 19

Sprinkle with Parmesan.

Step 20

Add 2 cups (500 mL) sliced oyster or sliced stemmed shiitake mushrooms to butter.

Step 21

Cook for about 5 minutes or until softened.

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