
Red Fife Bread

Red Fife Bread
Cook Time
45 min
8 - 10 servings

Red Fife is the artisan grain historically grown by early settlers in the great Canadian prairies. Its also the grain we use to make bread at the Village Feast, the tastiest bread I have ever made. It’s also the easiest because the secret ingredient in all true bread is time. The key to an addictive loaf of rich, hearty goodness is not laborious kneading; it’s an overnight rest for the living dough. With time, water and flour naturally form an elastic dough that rises with just a small amount of yeast. Here’s how to make your own Red Fife Bread, full of rustic whole grain goodness.



cup of all-purpose flour or bread flour
cup of Organic Red Fife Flour or whole wheat flour
cup of any multi-grain mix
tsp of active dry yeast
1 ½
tsp of salt
2 ¼
cup of warm water


Step 1

In a large bowl whisk the dry ingredients together, evenly distributing the salt and yeast

Step 2

Cover the bowl with plastic wrap and let rest in a warm place for 12 to 14 hours. The dough will double in size and bubble, and long elastic gluten strands will form without laborious kneading. ​ Knock​ the dough down and toss it with a splash of vegetable oil, evenly coating the dough ball. Form it into a 9- x 5-inch (2 L) loaf pan and, without covering, rest it a second time. In 2 to 3 hours it will double in size once more. Meanwhile, preheat your oven to 425ºF (220ºC). When the dough is ready, bake for 45 minutes.

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