
Here’s How to Make Google’s Top Searched Recipes of 2022

Google just released their top recipe searches for 2022 and some may surprise you. TikTok really did take the internet by storm, which influenced much of Google’s top searches this year ranging from the charcuterie boards to the infamous pink sauce. The Year in Search Data report combs through the internet to gather the best of the best recipes – or worst depending on your POV. Surprisingly, Google’s recipes like the “pumpkin spice latte” didn’t top the list. However, people were loving the savoury flavours of Barria tacos and the hilarity of celebrity salad recipes.

Instead of scouring the internet yourself for these famed recipe trends, we’ve compiled a list of the top favourites for you to cook at home, and eventually post to TikTok.

To see the entire list of what you and the rest of the world has been searching on Google, read the report here.

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